
HISTORIA wins Regional Award

The documentary film “HISTORIA - A Brief Tale of Three Pictures” co-produced by cine4net, s.r.o. and TF studio - Tomas Fraus in 2013, was successfully nominated and attained the Olomouc Region Award for 2013 in the category of Outstanding Achievement of the Year in the field of Art.

The premier of the film took place on 9th November 2013 in Metro 70 cinema in Prostějov. The aim of the documentary is to introduce the public to the phenomenon of the HISTORIA Theatre Group which, in theatrical and cultural terms, is quite unique, not only in the Olomouc region, but also nationwide.

During a ceremonial presentation on 9th April 2014 the award is to be received by Film Director Ondřej Sovík and the Director of Historia Theatre Group Eva Suchánková.

Our thanks go to everyone who took part in the creation of the film and whose financial support made it possible.
17.únor 2014


v pátek 23. června 2023 v 9:30 hod. se uskuteční v kině Metropol v Olomouci projekce filmu Helios.
Projekce filmu Helios je zajištěna v kině Metro 70 na pátek 3.března 2023 od 10:30 hod. v Prostějově.
Olomoucká předpremiéra filmu Helios
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