
Spot completed for E.PROXIMA

After final post-production alterations, cine4net production studio have handed over the presentation advertising spot to the client. The building company began its activities in 1991 and deals with the construction and renovation of civic buildings (administrative buildings, care homes, schools), residential buildings (houses, apartments), and industrial premises (production and storage halls).

E.PROXIMA, s.r.o building company will now be able to put the new audio-visual presentation to use, not only on the company website, but also on advertising boards and large screen displays at trade fairs in the Czech Republic and abroad. For this purpose the client was also provided with an internal version of the commercial with English subtitles.
11.leden 2014


v pátek 23. června 2023 v 9:30 hod. se uskuteční v kině Metropol v Olomouci projekce filmu Helios.
Projekce filmu Helios je zajištěna v kině Metro 70 na pátek 3.března 2023 od 10:30 hod. v Prostějově.
Olomoucká předpremiéra filmu Helios
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